The officers of this convention shall be President, Vice President-at-large, 1st Vice President, 2nd Vice President, 3rd Vice President, Recording Secretary, Assistant Recording Secretary, Corresponding Secretary, Executive Secretary-Treasurer, and such other officers deemed necessary by the convention from time to time.
Rev. James E. Mackey, President
Rev. Larry Alexander, Vice President-at-large
Dr. Gerald S. Parker, Sr., First Vice President
Rev. Jerome Turner, Second Vice President
Rev. A. Lee Tyus, Third Vice President
Rev. Derrick Easter, Administrative Assistant to the President
Rev. Alvin S. Newburn, II, Executive Secretary
Mrs. Joyce Surratt, Assistant Executive Secretary
Rev. Charles S. Boyd, Sr., Treasurer
Rev. Forrest Cooper, Recording/Corresponding Secretary
Rev. Kerwin Rainey, Assistant Recording Secretary
Dr. T. R. Ramey, Director of Christian Education
Rev. Johnny Smith, Jr., Director of Missions
Dr. James S. Thrower, Sr., Immediate Past President
The Convention shall establish Trustee Boards to supervise the matters for the Convention and a separate board to oversee and supervise the funding and purchasing for Morris Booker Memorial College.
Section 1. The convention shall elect 15 (fifteen) trustees who shall have plenary powers in the purchasing and conveyance of the Convention's property not otherwise provided for. The President, Secretary, and Executive Secretary-Treasurer shall be ex-officio members of the convention trustee board.
Section 2. A Trustee Board of 11 (eleven) members shall be elected to supervise the Education work, to enter into contracts, to hire and terminate administrative personnel for Morris Booker Memorial College. This board shall hold property in trust for the college, make purchases and conveyances as authorized, shall receive, pay out, and account for all funds for the operations of the college; and shall make reports on the status of the college in our Annual Session or when so directed.
Section 3. The Executive Board of the convention shall have power to complete such business of the convention as the convention left unattended and may act on behalf of the convention between sessions. This Board shall consist of the elected officers of the convention together with the presiding officers of its auxiliaries, agencies and boards; seven (7) moderators elected to three (3) year terms and five (5) pastors elected to three (3) year terms. The Executive Board shall employ and oversee the Executive Secretary-Treasurer subject to the ratification of the Convention.
Section 4. This convention shall recognize and authorize the following auxiliaries: (1) Home and Foreign Mission Convention, (2) Women's Convention, (3) Laymen Auxiliary, (4) Congress of Christian Education, (5) Music Convention, (6) the Usher Convention and such others as this body may deem necessary.
Section 5. This convention shall establish, recognize and authorize the following agencies: (1) Department of Christian Education, (2) Department of Missions, (3) Department of Evangelism and such others as this body may deem necessary.