
Upcoming Event

Monday, November 11, 2024

Annual Session and Banquet

9:00 am – 1:00 pm

The 90th Annual Session of RAMBC will be held November 11 - 12, 2024 @ Rock of Ages ...
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Disaster Relief

As a part of the convention's mission efforts, it has established a department for coordinating disaster relief. It is currently coordinated by Dr. L C Wright, Moderator-Bethlehem District.

Disaster Relief Ministry
¨ Supports district association efforts
¨ Relieving local churches and communities.
¨ Collaborating with regional, state, and national organizations.
¨ Emergency Relief Training -

The current relief effort is at Arkansas Baptist College. Letters have been sent to all District Moderators and Pastors.
Dr. L C Wright, President/Disaster Relief
            Email: charles1954@wildblue.net    

            Phone: (901) 233-1740
Current Relief Effort
6 States caught in the path of Hurricane Helene

If you desire to contribute to this cause, please download the form below: 
Thanks, in advance, for your support.

Mailing address:
Attention: Hurricane Helene Assistance
P O Box 2736
Pine Bluff, AR 71613

You may also give on Givelify @
2024 Disaster Relief
