Rev. Henry Anderson, Director of Evangelism
The Department will ensure the programmatic teaching and activity of Evangelism throughout our convention, it’s churches and associations. We will engage with structure and strategy, the methods and techniques of evangelism for the result of conversion, restoration and transition into church life. We will pursue strong visibility and relationships with and in institutions, governments and organizations for the purpose of accessibility and availability to the prospects, as well as, the constituents of our Lord’s work.
Board of Evangelism
Whereas, the end of all our Christian efforts is Evangelism. The Board of Evangelism is organized as to include representatives from each department and auxiliary of our convention. The objective of this board is to assist in creating and identifying opportunities within departmental and auxiliary sessions wherein evangelistic preaching, teaching and information can be presented.
Field Coordinators
Field Coordinators are selected by geographic location as to represent each District Association within our convention. The coordinators will be responsible for assisting the Evangelism Department in the implementation of it evangelistic program and activity when convention sessions or evangelism conferences convene within the coordinator’s jurisdiction. Some field coordinators may be asked to become Certified Religious Assistants (CRA), which enables them to support our prison ministry efforts.
Evangelism Material
No book, constitution nor any other document will supersede our use of the Holy Bible on which we predicate our efforts. However, for systemization and solidarity our initial use of material will begin with the “ABC’s of Evangelism” pamphlet and the prospect discovery card. The prospect discovery card will help supply information about a prospect in determining his/her status, while the pamphlet directs us in using the most appropriate approach, differentiating soul winning, witnessing and restoration. In all our efforts we will seek to maintain the unity of this department, as well as, the doctrinal integrity of our convention.
Transitional Evangelism
The intent to work with courts, law enforcements and other agencies in cases involving non-violent, juvenile and first offender crimes. Our objective is centered in establishing relationships with these entities with the hope of enhancing spiritual growth for the prospects through an active church life.
Prison Ministry
The intent and effort to make the presence of Regular Arkansas Missionary Baptist Convention and it’s churches prevalent and prominent in State penal institutions, mainly Arkansas Department of Corrections, not excluding county and municipal facilities. The goal is toward conversion, restoration and transition of prospects into church life for spiritual growth.
I. Evangel is the Gospel; the good news by which people are saved by the faith. The evangel encompasses nothing but the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Nothing more and nothing less. (I Corinthians 15:1-4)
Absolute Evangel
Absolute means perfect in quality or nature, not mixed, not limited by restrictions or exceptions; undefiled, unrestricted by constitutions or other provisions.
An Evangelical Church
(1) An Evangelical Church is a church with a pastor who knows, understands and leads in the work of Jesus Christ. II Timothy 4:5
(2) An Evangelical Church is a church who knows, understands and does the work of Jesus Christ. Matthew 28:18-20; Acts 1:8
(3) An Evangelical Church is a church who teaches, preaches and practices the mission of Jesus Christ for His church.
II. Salvation through and by the evangel/Gospel.
(a) One must believe and accept the evangel/Gospel to be saved. (John 3:18)
(b) The Gospel is directed at sin and sinners Facts about sin and sinners
(1) All are sinners — Romans 3:23
(2) The seriousness of sin; If one dies in sin. Romans 6:23
(3) God loves you/us — Romans 5:8
(4) You can be saved NOW - Romans 10:9
(5) You can call upon God - Romans 10:13
III. The Imperativeness and Urgency of Evangelizing
(a) Lost souls are destined for eternal damnation without the evangel/Gospel (John 3:18; 1 Corinthians 15:2)
(b) The covenant/agreement we have made “ the presence of God and witnesses”
(c) The threefold function of the church - Mission, evangelism and Christian Education
IV. Those who need to be Evangelized
(a) The unbelieving sinner —
(1) John’s path — 1:12; 3:16; 3:18; 3:6; 10:28-29
(2) Romans Road — 3:23; 6:23; 5:8; 10:9; 10:13
(b) The believing sinner -
Romans 8:33-39; Gal. 6:11; Eph. 6:11; I John 1:8-10
(c) The Self-Righteous Sinner
V. Methods of Evangelism
(a) Streets — John 4:10; 1:37
(b) Dinner Tables Luke 7:36-50
(c) Home — Luke 19:5-10; Acts 16:3-34; Matthew 9:37
(Note) * Witnessing Is NOT Evangelism
VI. Focus In Inclusive Evangelism
The entire Church must be organized for evangelism.
u The director needs to be someone who is evangelically inclined.
u The Director must involve the whole church.
(A) The First Focus Is Personal Contact:
1. The individual member is responsible for evangelism everyday, at all times, and in all places.
a) Four groups of personal contacts
i. at home group-
ii. at work group-
iii. The community movers-busybodies in the community
iv. Telephone visitation
Witnessing may not include using the bible in conversation about Christ.
(B) The Second Focus is Church Based Work
1. Sunday School
2. WMS
3. Laymen
4. Youth
(C) Community Service Organization- must go out in the community
1. Social Services (Tutoring, latch key, aftercare program)
2. Bus Ministry
3. Child Care
(D) The Extended Bible Study
1. Corresponding Courses
2. Vacation Bible School
3. Tracks! Pamphlets