YPD Leadership

Sis. Cynthia Baker, Director
Sis. Latoya Alexander, Assistant Director
Sis. Nicole McGinister, Assistant Director

2024 YPD Convention

 Young People's Convention 2024
We are pleased to present our 2024 Young People’s Convention

Information Session 2024

God has allowed us another year to continue the work of our RABC Young People session and our staff is so grateful to be leading in this effort.  Our young people’s planning session is slated for Saturday, February 10th beginning at 10:00am-12 noon which will be held at the Pine Hill Missionary Baptist Church, 2101 Reeker St., Pine Bluff, AR., Rev. Glenn Barnes, Sr., is Pastor. Please make all provisions to attend in order to receive information regarding our upcoming Young People’s Session.  Registration for the planning session is $20 per person/packet.
We are grateful to each of you who continue to support this work.  It is no easy task and as always our staff stands ready to fulfill the assignment that is required of us in the spirit of excellence.  We ask for your continued prayers as we forge ahead.  
As we embark upon this new year and young people’s session we are appealing for the continued support of not only our constituents but even more our Pastors and church leaders. First and foremost your continued presence is needed as it shows our youth that we are concerned about their spiritual growth. Secondly, we are requesting that our Pastors would also promote the young people’s session from the pulpit. Please encourage parents to bring their children to the Young People’s Session and participate in the activities. Lastly, we are requesting that all Pastors and leaders would allocate the necessary resources and funds to the support of the Young People’s session. 
Thanks in advance for your continued support of the RABC Young People’s Department.
Cynthia Bullard 
"With God nothing shall be impossible"



Scholarship Information

A limited number of scholarships are available ONLY for current High School Graduating seniors, who are ACTIVE members of one of the Baptist Churches of the Regular Arkansas Baptist Convention, Inc.