Annual Session - Auxiliary Meeting Locations
By Lola Thrower | November 10, 2017
Per President Mackey
The annual session will be held at Pine Hill Missionary Baptist Church, 2101 W. Reeker Street, Pine Bluff, 13-15 November 2017
Departmental Meetings will be held at the following locations:
Shiloh Missionary Baptist Church, 2008 Vaugine St., Pine Bluff, AR, Rev. Johnnie Smith, Pastor
New Direction Baptist Church, 3000 Louisiana, Pine Bluff, AR, Rev. Julius McDade, Pastor
Barraque Street Missionary Baptist Church, 1800 W. Pullen St., Pine Bluff, AR, Rev. Lloyd Holcomb, Jr., Pastor
Questions??? Contact
Lola Janell Thrower, MS |
Cell (501) 563-5091 |